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» » Most animals have internal or external skeletons for structure and support. Which of the following parts provide a similar function in plant cells? (The GED Science Test)

20 พฤศจิกายน 2565

Most animals have internal or external skeletons for structure and support. Which of the following parts provide a similar function in plant cells? (The GED Science Test)

Most animals have internal or external skeletons for structure and support. Which of the following parts provide a similar function in plant cells?

โจทย์ScienceมัธยมปลายGED - SAT


The GED Science Test GED - SAT

4. Most animals have internal or external skeletons for structure and support. Which of the following parts provide a similar function in plant cells? 
 (A) Cytoplasm 
 (B) Chloroplasts 
 (C) Cell membranes 
 (D) Cell walls


4. (D) 

 Rigid cell walls made of cellulose serve the

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Most animals have internal or external skeletons for structure and support. Which of the following parts provide a similar function in plant cells? (The GED Science Test)

เฉลยแนวข้อสอบ, แนวข้อสอบ, GED, test